Namo Ramana
Let me tell you something about Ramana before we talk about our activities. It is that Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi came on to this Earth to wake all of us and remind us of our true nature. He taught us to know ourselves. How ironicale isn't it?
It was celebration time when the second boy baby was born to the couple Azhagammal and Sundaram Iyer. It was a happy occasion for them no doubt but the whole world, universe was celebrating it. Why?
It was December 30th 1879. Chritians celebrated Christmas, Muslims celebrate Ramzan, Hindus celebrate the month of Margazhi, favorite to Lord Krishna and Ardhra Darshan - when Siva showed himself to all as the dancing Lord, Nataraja.
He was born as the light itself. A blind lady who was assisting in the delivery saw light everywhere when the child was born. He was named as Venkataraman by the parents.
When he was sixteen years, he faced death and got enlightened. According to the father's command, he left home and went to Tiruvannamalai. He was named as Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi by Ganapathi Muni and Bhagavan ramana stayed in Tiruvannamali till his last breath pouring love to everybody who came to him. He is the only enlightened person, after Buddha who lived for 50 years in the body after enlightenment.
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