Namo Ramana
Today is Cow Lakshmi's Liberation day. June 18th, 1948, at 11.30 a.m. Lakshmi got Mukti from Bhagavan's own hands. Bhagavan Ramana wrote a poem and it has been engraved on the stone which was kept on her samadhi. There is a statue of Lakshmi on the samadhi.
Cow Lakshmi came to Bhagavan when she was vary small. Once she was brought to Bhagavan along with her mother from the town. From then she found her way to the asram and would come to see Bhagavan everyday not missing even a day. When Lakshmi grew old and she was carrying, she requested Bhagavan that she would stay with him and it was difficult for her to go and come everyday. Bhagavan fullilled her request and bulit a Ghoshala for her. And Lakshmi showed her gratitude to Bhagavan by gifting a calf on every Jayanthi of Bhagavan.
We learn surrender from Lakshmi. She was such a gem that she would never care for anybody in the hall. She would simply run into the hall and sit beside Bhagavan.
And Bhagavan loved her so much that he would feed her plantains or idli or dosa. He not only fed all these to her but he also fed the Jnana just like he did to Mother Azhagammal. When Bhagavan came to Lakshmi and sat next to her, her breathing became steady and tears began to trickle from her eyes. Ramana's eyes too overflowed as he looked at her with great love. He kept his hand on his head and heart as though giving her Deeksha. She became calm and peaceful and breathed her last breadth.
After Lakshmi's liberation, Bhagavan came to the Ghoshala and himself said that - 'Oh Lakshmi! Lakshmi!', Then controling his tears, he said, 'Because of her our family has grown to this extent'.