Since most of us are here in the single thought, we all have a common goal, practically a common goal, may be small variations here and there in our goal. The atmosphere also becomes charged with that focus. Very often in life, even though we are together as a family, even though we were together in school, even though we are together in work atmosphere with people, each one’s goal will be different, each one’s attitude will be different, the longings will be different, the directions will be different and that’s why lot of conflicts comes about in life and goals are also not achieved so easily because if you take even a bullock cart driven by even two bullocks, if each one is going in a different direction, imagine what happens to the cart? Can it reach its destination? And if you have a carriage, a chariot driven by five horses and then five go in different directions, then imagine the plight of that chariot. And what happens in terms of what we say is the world, what we say is a work place, what we say is the family is actually, Bhagavan says nothing but an enlargement , an enlarged projection of what is happening within ourselves, what is happening in our own minds. In our own minds, it so happens that for these two days, we are able to focus on a single goal. But when we get back “into our so called worldly life, each one into our different circumstances, then we too seem to be driven by many goals”. So its wonderful that Bhagavan has brought us here and given us the clarity as to why we are here to some extent , it is his wonderful blessing. But the next question will always be why we are here in the larger sense? That is why we are here today also because we are not here today unrelated to the entirety of our own life. In our own lives, we have certain goals, certain longings, certain perception of the purpose of life which has brought us here. It is not just today I happen to walk in and then I decided that I need to know about Bhagavan. So it is lead to the purpose of why we are here in life itself. Why I am here today in the shrine is linked to why I am here on Earth. Supposing, each one of us has what is called a wish list in Life, we would like many things to happen. Supposing we were to have, we were given a choice. Supposing Bhagavan appears before us as we say in film language, just appears before us and says, You can have one wish in life, one wish you can have and that will certainly come true. About others there is no guarantee and if you were to wish many even this may not come true. So you can have only one wish. Make your choice.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Workshop 2010 Talk 1 Part 1
Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning conducts Spiritiual workshops every year in the month of June.
This year we had it on June 26th and 27th at the Ramana Maharshi Shrine, Mekhri Circle, Bangalore.
Devotees and seekers assembled at the shrine at 9.30 and registered themselves. First we had a prayer which was followed by Dr. Sarada speaking.
Here we are going to give some talks. You may read it.
By the extravagant grace of Bhagavan, we are gathered here once again for the annual workshop on His life and teachings. I say this is by His extraordinary grace because everything in the universe is by that grace. Ever movement, every stillness yet there are some times, some events where we feel the manifestation of that Grace in a more evident manner. In our own lives, there are some events which we describe as being on account of that grace and some events which we don’t. Of course the fact that we sit, the fact that we stand, the fact that we speak, the fact that we can see, hear, every movement is by that grace which is the energy shining in every heart and making all life, all awareness possible. So during the workshop we feel the presence of that grace more. So we need to ask ourselves the question ‘Why are we here?’ Not in a major, vast, generic sense of you know why are we here on earth? What is the purpose of Life? First we don’t go to that. Just why are we here for these two days? Each one of us may have a different reason for being here. So I thought the first session, we will give to the introduction, so that the others will also know who we are? We’ll introduce ourselves and tell ourselves why we are here in this workshop?
Introduction of all the participants.......
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Ramana Seva List
You can be a part of the Centre by participating in the Sevas of the Centre.
Here is a list of Sevas for the month of July
Gurupurnima celebrations :
24th July 2010 : Pushpa Seva - 1,000/-
Ramana Vidya Seva - 1,500/-
Samskriti Seva - 7,500/-
25th July 2010 : Pushpa Seva - 1,000/-
Ramana Vidya Seva - 1,500/-
Samskriti Seva - 7,500/-
Enlightenment Day Celebrations :
31st July 2010 : Ramana vidya Seva - 2,500/-
Samskriti Seva - 5,000/-
Samskriti Seva - 10,000/-
Pushpa Seva - 5,000/-
Anna Dana Seva - 5,000/-
For more details Contact :
Revathi - 9448853748
Friday, June 18, 2010
Cow Lakshmi's Mukti day

Namo Ramana
Today is Cow Lakshmi's Liberation day. June 18th, 1948, at 11.30 a.m. Lakshmi got Mukti from Bhagavan's own hands. Bhagavan Ramana wrote a poem and it has been engraved on the stone which was kept on her samadhi. There is a statue of Lakshmi on the samadhi.
Cow Lakshmi came to Bhagavan when she was vary small. Once she was brought to Bhagavan along with her mother from the town. From then she found her way to the asram and would come to see Bhagavan everyday not missing even a day. When Lakshmi grew old and she was carrying, she requested Bhagavan that she would stay with him and it was difficult for her to go and come everyday. Bhagavan fullilled her request and bulit a Ghoshala for her. And Lakshmi showed her gratitude to Bhagavan by gifting a calf on every Jayanthi of Bhagavan.
We learn surrender from Lakshmi. She was such a gem that she would never care for anybody in the hall. She would simply run into the hall and sit beside Bhagavan.
And Bhagavan loved her so much that he would feed her plantains or idli or dosa. He not only fed all these to her but he also fed the Jnana just like he did to Mother Azhagammal. When Bhagavan came to Lakshmi and sat next to her, her breathing became steady and tears began to trickle from her eyes. Ramana's eyes too overflowed as he looked at her with great love. He kept his hand on his head and heart as though giving her Deeksha. She became calm and peaceful and breathed her last breadth.
After Lakshmi's liberation, Bhagavan came to the Ghoshala and himself said that - 'Oh Lakshmi! Lakshmi!', Then controling his tears, he said, 'Because of her our family has grown to this extent'.

Thursday, June 17, 2010
Certificate Course in Bharatanatyam
Ramana Maharshi Centre is going to commence a certificate in collaboration with IGNOU-Indra Gandhi National Open University. This is a certificate course in Bharatanatyam. The course will be conducted at the Ramana Mahrshi Heritage Centre, Post office Road, Sanjaynagar, Bangalore-560094. The course fees will be 15000 per year. The eligibility for the course is completion Tenth standard.
People interested can contact Mr. Srinivasan.R - 9844059156 or can also email to
Thank you
Workshop on Ramana's Teachings
This is an announcement about our annual workshop at the Ramana Maharshi Shrine.
Review of Cow Lakshmi Day programme
Namo Ramana
Today is about the review of the programme held on 13th June 2010 at the Ramana Maharshi Shrine.
It was commenced with the pooja and then children came on to the stage and started with the prayer. There were students of all age groups. Starting from 5 years to 40 years, all sang, danced, enjoyed thoroughly. We could feel the enjoyment in all the faces.
Ujwal the director of this show had presented the concept of Mother Earth, Global warming and a little bit about Cow Lakshmi very well. The songs composed were apt to all the situations and was sung pretty well. Ujwal aslo sang well supported by Revathi Sankar accompanied on the violin by Vidushi Parimala and Vidwan Narasimhan on mrudangam. Srinivasan was the master of the ceremony. Uma assited with the costume, Kiran and Manoj helped with the make up, Murugan on lights and Sound and Ramesh on videography.
Srividya came on to the stage as Mother Earth and her performance was great. Udaya krishna Upadhyaya who did the role of Siva saved Mother Earth from the floods. Manikandan who did the role of Bhagavan Sri Ramana performed with a bit of tension in his face. But he was really good as Bhagavan Sri Ramana. There were the four elements who also danced well. According to the script, the four elements water, air, fire and space help the Earth in all her activities. There was a wonderful thing which Ujwal had used in the Presentation is SAMAN dance. It is an Indonasian Dance were artistes sit on the floor in a row and sing and present lovely movements.
Dr. Sarada spoke on the occasion and Sri Rajanna was the chief guest. Smt Rajanna gave away the certificates to the Children.
It was a lovely evening to celebrate Cow Lakshmi Day:-)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Akhandam of Aksharamanamalai
Bhagavan Sri Ramana has composed many poems in various languages. But the gem of all is the Arunachala Aksharamanamalai composed by Bhagavan himself. It is a 108 verse poem in which the verses run in alphabetical order.
Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi wrote this on request by the devotees. Those days sadhus used to beg for alms and have food. Since many of them were begging for alms, the devotees of Ramana requested him to write a song for them to sing while begging for alms. So Bhagavan once said that Arunachala Aksharamanamalai is feeding us when a devotee brought food and said by singing Aksharamanamalai he got it.
Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning organised chanting of Aksharamanamalai from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The staff of the Centre joined in the Chanting.
"It was really like a Yagna said the President of the Centre, Dr. Sarada".
The same was felt by the staff also. The day was filled with thought of Ramana.
Thanks to Bhagavan who gave us the opportunity to sing his composition - Aksaharamanamalai
Monday, June 14, 2010
Bhagavan Sri Ramana

Saturday, June 12, 2010
Invitation for the Ballet Namma Thaya Kathe

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Activities of the Centre